Happy Saturday! !

Wanted to wish you all a happy weekend :mrgreen: I woke up to this, this morning and its the perfect way to start a day.


We are not up to much over the next few day, the other half is working so me and the boys will spend most of it at home. I need to do some general house work, but apart from that we will be playing in the garden,  watching dvds and enjoying each others company. 

What are you all up to this weekend?  whatever it is have fun!!

I think I’ve caught the bug….

So the other day i decided i wanted to try the craft paper cutting, i have always liked the finished product and wanted something to do onces the boys were in bed. I decided to start with something simple and choose Rapunzel and the tower. I was happy with the finished product and when little man saw it he said “mummy can you do me a spiderman please”

So today i cut him a spiderman,  Hulk, Batman and Thor. He absolutely loved them. We just need to back them on coloured card and frame in some nice deep box frames ready to be hung on his bedroom wall.

I think i have caught the paper cutting bug!!


Here is my first attempt of paper cutting…. Rapunzel and the tower.


I am five months old

The small one is five months old today, it has gone so fast its unreal. It felt like yesterday i was holding him my arms as a newborn baby. For the past five months i has watched this amazing little fella develop and learn new things and its pure joy to watch.

So here is The small ones “i am five months old” milestone picture


If you have missed any of the small ones milestone updates you can catch up here with bump to baby.

Here with one month old

Here with two months old

Here with three months old

And here with four months old

Mixed emotions. …..

Mixed emotions today with it being little mans last day EVER at nursery.  I am sad  because its hit me that my little boy is growing up and will soon be at full time school. I am relieved because I get to turn that alarm off for the next 6 weeks. I am proud of the progression he has made since the start of his school journey.  I am worried that my little man will get lost among the “big kids” when he goes back in September. I am excited for the summer and the time we get together. I am  anxious about the new school term and little mans settling period.  I am happy that he knows the school well. I am pleased all of his friends are in the same new class as him. I am confident that he will do the best he can, have fun and enjoy the next step in his school venture.

So for now we say goodbye to the two wonderful teachers that have taught  and guided him for the passed 15 months, enjoy the summer and wait to see what September brings.


His growing up!

Little man has just two more nursery sessions left ( tomorrow being a leaving party) He has changed so much in the past 15 months and I am so proud of his progression in all aspects.  When he first started in April 2013 he was a shy little boy and I was so worried that he would get upset about going but he proved me wrong. He loved it from day one, he has made a lot of friends that will be going into reception class with him in September and he is looking forward to having “his lunch” at school. I am so proud of my clever,  funny, outgoing, cheeky (sometimes naughty) little man.


Living Arrows 7/52.

All child have a “first” and all parents remember them………….

Little man is 4 next month and we have never taken him on a bus so today after a friends birthday party rather than walk home (as my poor hips wouldn’t let me) we took his very first bus ride. He was so excited waiting at the stop, getting on the bus and choosing his seat.


So i share a FIRST with you :0) Little mans FIRST bus ride.

living arrows