How different??

All along i have said that this pregnancy has been poles apart from my one with little man and it has got me thinking how different my labour, birth and newborn baby are going to be as well. I had a pretty easy time the whole way though till birth with the little man and hope that labour and birth will be the same this time.

Little mans pregnancy

Morning sickness = mild nausea.

Feeling tired = mild fatigue.

weeing a lot = never noticed any change in bathroom habits.

Food cravings = Water, eggs, ice-cream and chocolate (not together)

Pregnancy complications = small for dates, little man growth was very slow and stopped growing around 34 weeks,  Anemia.

Working during  = worked until i was 37 weeks without a sick day.

Movement = moved a lot in the evening and i would call in gentle movement

Little mans birth

I went into spontaneous labor on the 23rd march 2010 while at home in the early evening @39 weeks pregnant ( I had spent the previous day in pre-labour with very little pain) I stayed at home pottering about the house waiting for it to kick in. At about 3am i decided to start using a tens machine to help manage the pain. By 9am i had had 2 baths and found that the pain was a bit more than i could handle so called the hospital who said that i could go in to l&d to get checked out. I got to the hospital at about 11am was checked over and told i was 5cm and offered pain relief, I only really wanted to use Gas and air and opted for that. 3 hours and 20 mins later i was 10cm and ready to push. After another 2 hours and 14 mins of pushing @ 16:34 on the 24/03/2010 i finally got to meet my little man, and he was just perfect.

The other half cut the cord and placed little man on my chest for skin to skin and wasn’t long before he was feeding. After we had spend some time alone as a new family, little man was cleaned up, weighted, measured and dressed.

Weight = 2.67g / 5lb 15oz

Length = 47cm

Head circumference = 33cm

After a few hours, shower and dinner i was moved to a ward to stay the night, and the other half had to go home. Our first night went well little man was a good feeder and didn’t have a problem in latching on. The next day he saw the doctor for his newborn checks and all was fine. We were discharged in the early afternoon.

Little man

Health issues =   eczema (Which he still has now) allergic to suncream and a lot of bath products. Still very small in height and weight.

Likes = Cars, Transportation, cleaning, numbers, animals, chocolate

Dislikes  =  veg

My little man is a very loving child, he loves cuddles with mummy and daddy and likes to be close to us. He likes to be involved in everything that we a doing and helping when ever he can. He is a shy boy that will soon come out of his shell once he feels comfortable. He likes routine and is not over keen on change.



As i am still pregnant i cant comment on the on labour, birth and my newborn baby but i can compare my pregnancy, so here goes.

Bumps pregnancy

Morning sickness = HG Hyperemesis gravidarum

Feeling tired = exhausted

weeing a lot = All the time and at least 5 times in the night

Food cravings = anything with an orange flavor, ice lollys, tomato sauce

Pregnancy complications = small for dates all ready measuring 4 weeks behind, spd, headaches

Working during  = 8 weeks sick at the start due to hg, back to work until24 weeks then long term sick till mat leave on the 9th march due to spd.

Movement = moves all day and night that hurts, lots of pressure.



So my pregnancy is poles apart but i just hope that labour and birth will be like little mans. I hope that my new little boy will be healthy and happy :0)

**I plan to update this post once i have had baby so let see how different the rest will be**